D2 - Train image classifier

  1. Watch this video to set up the Machine Learning Environment (ML Environment).

    Need a step by step guide?
    1. Click on the extension button at the bottom left.

      D1 - Pictoblox Extensions thumbnail.jpg

    2. Search and choose Machine Learning Environment.

      D1 - Pictoblox Extensions.jpg

    3. Click Open ML Environment.

      D1 - Pictoblox sidebar Machine Learning Environment.jpg

    4. Click Create New Project.

      You can select from different project types.

      D1 - Pictoblox Machine Learning Environment menu.jpg

      D1 - Pictoblox MLE project menu-1.jpg

  2. Create a new Image Classifier project.

    Watch this video on how to classify, train and use the Machine Learning model.

    Need a step by step guide?
    1. Create a new Image Classifier project.

      Ensure that there are at least two classes.

      D2 - Pictoblox Image Classifier-1.jpg 

    2. Add at least 30 image samples to each class.

      D2 - Pictoblox Image Classifier 1.2.jpg

    3. Click on Train Model to start the training.

      The more images and classes you use, the longer the training time.

      D2 - Pictoblox Image Classifier 2.1-1.jpg
      D2 - Pictoblox Image Classifier 2.2-1.gif

    4. After the Machine Learning model is ready, click on Export Model.

      This will bring you back to the main programme.

      D2 - Pictoblox Image Classifier 4.jpg

    5. Click on the open recognition window block. and test your Machine Learning model.

      Can your model recognise the trained images? How confident is the model in recognising the different classes?

      D2 - Pictoblox Image Classifier 4.1.jpg